Certificate in Business Creation
Entrepreneurs contribute to local and global economies by creating jobs, solving problems and sharing ideas. The Certificate in Business Creation walks you through every stage of developing a business — from initial idea generation to marketing and managing your entrepreneurial venture. Gain the tools and knowledge you need to start, manage or work in a new business.
Add this 12-credit certificate to a bachelor’s degree or complete it as a stand-alone credential.
Program Details
There are no specific program admissions requirements for the Certificate in Business Creation.
If you are a current, degree-seeking Boise State student, use the myBoiseState “change my major” tool to add the certificate. If you are applying to the certificate along with your degree program, you will declare the certificate in addition to your major.
If you are not a current Boise State student, apply to Boise State and declare the certificate. If you are applying to the certificate along with your degree program, you will declare the certificate in addition to your major.
Boise State maintains authorization to offer online programs in Idaho and beyond. Detailed information about state authorization is available on the eCampus Center website.
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